LED Lighting Energy Assessment

How much can you save with LED lighting? Find out with a fast and FREE energy assessment to analyze your current platform!

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With LED lighting, you save money,
reduce your carbon footprint, boost productivity,
improve safety, and more…

  • Discover LED lighting for a more productive environment.

    One Decision Today

    LED lighting reduces expenses and increases quality and productivity!

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By switching from traditional lighting to LED lighting, you can save thousands of dollars, conserve energy and create a more productive, comfortable and safe environment for your employees and customers.

And with specific rebates available, it’s very cost-effective.

If you haven’t looked at LED lighting for your business, now is the time.

You save upfront with current, government rebates AND long-term on your energy bills once installation is complete.

So, what is an LED, anyway?

An LED, or light-emitting diode, is a semiconductor light source with a microchip. When current flows through it, the small LEDs produce light.


  • Use less power than traditional lights with less maintenance and glare.
  • Have a faster reaction time with cooler temperatures, more color and size variety, and no IR radiation.
  • Last last 8 times longer than compact fluorescent and 50 times longer than incandescent bulbs.
  • Are environmentally safe and are free of UV arsenic, lead, mercury and other harmful materials with non-hazardous or costly disposal.

Your competition is switching. What are you waiting for?

Since 2011, we’ve helped hundreds of customers take advantage of all the benefits LEDs have to offer and would like to put our expertise and experience to work for you.

If you’d like to significantly reduce your energy costs and boost productivity and sales quickly and easily, please contact us today to schedule your FREE consultation. We look forward to meeting you!